May 2011 Edition

You can never be too rich, too thin, or have enough storage! And whether you need to store digital media (photos, music, videos) and/or share it with other networked devices (video game systems, digital media adapters or smart TVs), ZyXEL has a family of products to fit your needs. And ZyXEL is now pleased to introduce the NSA320 High Performance 2 Bay Storage Appliance to our NSA family of products.

The NSA320 and its NSA210/NSA221 siblings are Smart NAS boxes that connect directly to your network and give you an "always-on" device for your media storage needs. You bring your own drives to fill, up to 2TB each in size, allowing you to decide exactly how much storage you need. The NSA210 supports one drive while the NSA221 and NSA320 support two drives.
For the NSA210, you can also connect a second external drive via SATA. Using the built-in RAID support, mirror the contents of one drive to the other. NSA221 and NSA320 can use RAID to mirror the two drives it supports.  That way, if one of the drives should fail, your data is safe on the other drive. This is a great way to back up valuable digital photos and video.  Get a second NSA to mirror the data and store safely off site for further disaster recovery protection. 

However, the NSA products do more than just store your data; it can do a lot more. For one, it can act as both an iTunes media server and a DLNA compatible media server. If you already have a computer running iTunes at home, it will automatically find the NSA on your network and find the files you are sharing on it. DLNA is an industry standard used by many different multimedia devices, such as the Playstation 3, computers, set top boxes, and smart TV's, to make it easy to share videos, photos, and music. Your DLNA compatible playback device will automatically find the NSA device on the network, categorize the files, and communicate which files are compatible with your playback device. This makes it super easy to use your PS3 or smart TV to find and view videos, music, and photos on your TV set -- no computer needed!

The NSA family of products also has a bunch of features designed to make your life easier. The NSA devices features the ability to have the NSAs download your files for you, including files hosted on torrents or eMule. This frees up your computer for large downloads, allowing you to power down and get your completed downloads at a later date. The NSA can also be linked to your YouTube and Flickr account, automatically uploading files you store in special shared folders on the NSA. They also has a built-in RSS client that can be used to automatically download new podcasts as soon as they become available.

These Network Storage Appliance devices are not just for computers. You can use the built-in USB ports to back up data stored on your digital camera or USB storage device. Just plug them in and hit the copy button located on the front of the unit to backup the contents of the connected device.  You can sort the contents later, but you can rest assured that those valuable photos and videos have been backed up in the NSA.

With no computer needed to share the files, you save energy costs. The NSA family features an EPA Energy Star certified power adapter and a number of smart power-saving features built-in. You can schedule the NSA devices to automatically shutdown and start up at defined times, so it's not needlessly running while no one is at home. It also supports disk hibernation to help save energy.

Choosing an NSA device is easy.  GOOD for 1 drive basic storage and streaming – NSA210.  BETTER for 2 drive casual storage and streaming – NSA221.  BEST 2 drive throughput and performance for video streaming and storage – NSA320.

Check out ZyXEL's new NSA320 as well as the NSA210 and NSA221 and it make it part of your connected household today.